Business Concepts and Careers

Welcome to the Business Concepts and Careers class! This course is an in-depth study of business concepts and the world of work! It includes the principles of economic and consumer education as well as business standards and ethics! An introduction to international business is also included!

Welcome to Business Concepts and Career Exploration!

This course covers a variety of business topics! You will learn basic facts about: forms of business organizations, consumerism, investments, marketing, international business and business ethics. You will also research different careers!


Materials you will need on a daily basis:   Notebook, pen/pencil, pocket folder to hold handouts

Classroom Management

ü All students are expected to be in the classroom when the bell rings.

ü All required materials are to be brought to class each day.

ü Passes will be issued when needed. Please do what you need to do before class time.

ü Students are encouraged to complete any missed assignments within a timely fashion. Please discuss with me!

ü Students are encouraged to attend extra-help sessions as soon as the need arises.  I will be available for extra help Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays 2:05-3:00 p.m.

ü Cell phone use is not allowed in class. 

Assessment Methods

·        Tests

·        Quizzes

·        Written Projects

·        Computer Based Projects

·        Rubrics-NEASC Research

Course Outline and Learning Objectives

We will be learning about

·        Forms of Business Organizations

·        Online stock market game and investments

·        Consumer Laws

·        Career Education/Exploration

·        Ethics

·        Marketing Principles

During this course you will develop the following skills

1.         Concepts

-        Researching the different forms of business organization using the Internet

-        Discussing pros and cons of the different forms with guest speakers

-        Both simulations use integrated activities to demonstrate concepts

2.         Communication

-        Talking with and interviewing experienced business people about the different forms of business

-        Oral report

-        Written reports

-        PowerPoint presentations

3.         Thinking/Problem Solving

-        Internet research for business plans and careers

4.         Application of Knowledge

-        Oral and written presentations

5.         Interpersonal Skills

-        Working in groups for simulations

-        Interviewing business people for research report

Academic Integrity

Cheating is academic dishonesty, and it is a major violation of academic integrity.  Copying other students' assignments, allowing other students to use your work, looking at class notes or other students’ papers during a quiz or test are all examples of cheating.  Cheating is never a viable solution to academic problems. 

            It is within this context that the following policies are established: 

ü The first time a student is caught cheating: the student will be given a zero on the assignment with the opportunity to redo the task within the next 72 hours.  The two grades will be averaged together to compute the final grade.

ü If the infraction occurs again, the student will receive a zero on the assignment without the opportunity to redo it.  In addition, a phone call will be made home and guidance personnel will be notified.

Attendance/Tardy Policy and Disruptive Behavior


            Board policy will be followed.

Homework Policy

            Board policy will be followed. Please see attached.

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